Project Results

Read about our project results and get engaged!


There are 3 main project results:

1. Speak the Language of Sustainability: Creating a Glossary of Environmental Terms
2. The Earth in Our Hands: A Handbook for Teachers and Students
3. Earth Heroes 2030: Developing a Digital Game to Foster Environmental Citizenship
4. Brighter Futures, Greener Planet: Sharing Our Environmental Citizenship Journey

1. Speak the Language of Sustainability: Creating a Glossary of Environmental Terms

The objective of this process is to develop a glossary that elucidates key environmental terms in a straightforward and succinct manner. This will serve as a valuable reference for students and all project stakeholders, enhancing comprehension and facilitating communication on environmental matters. The glossary aims to be a handy tool for both students and educators, aiding in the comprehension of environmental concepts and the critical challenges our planet is confronting. Moreover, the glossary will be crafted to promote active involvement and interest from students, incorporating interactive and engaging learning approaches.

2. The Earth in Our Hands: A Handbook for Teachers and Students

This process has specific goals centered around the creation of two editions of “The Handbook of Environmental Citizenship” – one tailored for teachers and another for students. These handbooks aim to furnish comprehensive information, resources, and activities, fostering an understanding of and engagement with environmental citizenship.
The teacher-focused edition will prioritize equipping educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to adeptly teach environmental citizenship in their classrooms. It will encompass key concepts and principles of environmental citizenship, alongside a compilation of resources and activities designed to involve students in learning about and proactively addressing environmental issues.

3. Earth Heroes 2030: Developing a Digital Game to Foster Environmental Citizenship

The interactive digital game, EARTH HEROES 2030, is specifically crafted as a captivating tool to instill environmental citizenship values in students. Through embodying characters tasked with navigating real-world environmental scenarios and making decisions that impact the game’s outcome, students can enhance their comprehension of essential environmental concepts. The game encourages exploration of diverse approaches to tackling environmental challenges, fostering an engaging and participatory learning experience

4. Brighter Futures, Greener Planet: Sharing Our Environmental Citizenship Journey

This process marks the final phase of the Earth Heroes 2030 project, known as the Dissemination stage. The primary goal is to share the project’s accomplishments, outcomes, and results with key stakeholders and target audiences. The specific objectives involve developing a comprehensive communication and dissemination plan. This includes the creation of educational videos to showcase the project’s achievements and the promotion of environmental citizenship, sustainability, and STEM education. Furthermore, the initiative seeks to increase community engagement by actively participating in local European initiatives.
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